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About Olivia Riegel

The OLIVIA RIEGEL Philosophy

At OLIVIA RIEGEL, we believe that bejeweled glamour deserves a place in everyone’s life. We endeavor to develop new items that are both innovative and true to a glamorous lifestyle. In so doing, we strive to push the industry's boundaries while listening to feedback from customers. Hence, customers are invaluable to us, and we pride ourselves upon exceptional customer service. The goal is to offer brilliantly executed creations that are beautiful, sophisticated, and relevant.

Distinguished decorative artist Jon Morris established OLIVIA RIEGEL in 2000 as a tribute to his beloved grandmother—a consummate collector of chic costume jewelry. His vision was to offer customers elegant bejeweled objects that incorporate vintage details with a modern sensibility. This vision continues as Jon’s designs are translated into a rich collection of handcrafted home décor, giftware, bridal goods, and women’s accessories.

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Hours of operation

9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
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